Armeinius Gets Looped

The Gay Carnival Krewe of Armeinius hosted the opening of Looped starring Elizabeth Bouvier and Greg Nacozy at the Valiant Theatre on Thursday, August 17.  It was a fun filled evening of merriment as krewe members mixed and mingled with…

Get Looped

I was so excited when I found out they were doing Looped in New Orleans.  I had originally seen the show starring Valerie Harper in Washington DC before it made it's way to Broadway and it was hysterical. The show eventually opened on…

Keeping It “Real”

The Tennessee Williams Theatre Company has scored another huge success under their belt with their first production of their third season.  Under the exceptional direction of Augustin Correro, Camino Real is brought to vivid life with its…

Lazarus Rising

Things got spooky a the Monastery on 8/11/17 when Halloween New Orleans hosted their annual Lazarus Ball which is normally held in October as part of the HNO weekend.